Starting from my first exposure to the Radiation Oncology world as a student, I wanted to know everything that I could about how, why, and what was happening with that patient’s course of treatment. It became clear very quickly, that answers to questions such as “Does this patient need a magnet?” “Are they getting a boost?” “What all needs to be completed for the patient to be ready for treatment?” could not be found by looking in one concise location.
These are simple questions that every staff member needs quick access to, to treat a patient safely, accurately, and knowledgably. While they do have access to these answers they are scattered across multiple locations. RO Dynamics provides a consolidated location for many of these answers. With just a single click on a task, plan, or appointment, you are able to see the relevant plan and course details for that patient.
The Plan Details View displays the patient’s MRN, DOB, patient tags, plan phase, technique, treatment site, and plan tags. Additionally a history of important plan changes is available in the plan history view. Changes in scheduling, technique, and care team members are displayed. Plan specific task information including who it was completed by, when it was completed, and comments are also displayed.

The Course Details View displays a tree hierarchy with the different workflows that have been completed or are in progress for that course. A green person icon represents there are tasks that still need to be completed within that workflow and the green check mark icon means that all tasks in that workflow have been completed. A simplified worklist is also available to the right of the workflow tree diagram where available and completed tasks are displayed.

With a single click of your mouse, you are able to access the patient dialog, providing convenient access to detailed information on the patient’s courses, simulations, and plans. You no longer have to search through notes, demographics, appointments, or tasks to gain vital plan and patient information.
Radiation Oncology is built around providing the best experience possible for patients who are facing one of the most difficult diagnoses that one can receive. Having the behind the scenes of our clinics streamlined, organized and concise allows plan care team members to focus on the very reasons they chose this profession: to help others.