Personalized Care Team Worklist

Radiation Oncology is an industry, like many, that has a lot that needs to be accomplished behind the scenes before a patient is ready to get their first treatment. This process involves multiple staff members and sources of information to come together in complete cohesiveness. Awareness of all the needs of that patient and their plan(s) has to be made known to multiple plan care team members. This does not work out well when everyone has their own independent task list and priorities. Workflows in radiation oncology intersect with all members of the plan care team at different points. It can get complicated to know the state of a plan when there is not a singular task list. That is why RO Dynamics has a consolidated worklist view that has important features not found in other oncology information systems. Here are just some of the highlights of the worklist view capabilities:

  • Tasks filters default to focus on what you need to do first
  • Only see tasks that are specific to you and your staff role
  • Color coded due dates
  • Dynamically searchable with many filter options
  • Tasks are able to be reverted back to incomplete state
  • Tasks are associated with a plan
  • Completion of different task types (standard, yes/no, approve/reject, or pass/fail)
  • Quick chat with care team members

The worklist view is what can be referred to as the “home page” of RO Dynamics. This is where you will see all the tasks that apply to you and the order that they need to be done in. This means that you will only see tasks on your worklist that are ready to be completed by you or pending assignment to a member of your staff role. You can rest assured that no task was missed in getting to this step because the workflow engine directs the tasks, and you are able to see a history of all the completed tasks and any comments that have been made in association with any task in the plan details view.

Each task is color coded; red indicates that a task is past due or due today, yellow indicates that it is due tomorrow and the standard background color indicates that you still have time to complete the task. These colors can be customized to your department’s preference. There are many filters that can be applied to see different tasks that are not specific to you based on patient information, plan care team information or plan information. If by chance something was completed by accident it is easily able to be reverted back in the workflow so it can be corrected. When questions arise, there is a chat feature that is associated with all the tasks that will directly link you to a chat with the member of the plan care team that you need to speak with.

The worklist provides order to something that otherwise can easily become complicated and overwhelming. No more questioning where a plan is, what state it is in or what needs to be done. Patient care is now broken down into a simple format so that you are able to focus on what you do best and provide the best experience for your patients while having peace of mind that nothing was missed or forgotten since RO Dynamics will have it covered.

An image of a tablet displaying RO Dynamics, highlighting just some of it's many features.

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